Okay, so James is probably gay. And Jesse, too. But he is hot in drag, and she is the only one who actually cares about him. And not to mention the fact
that neither would be able to have a normal relationship to anybody else but the
other. Or as normal as it could be, anyway, considering we're talking about Jesse
and James. But man, it would be
great fun to watch.
Yes, you like the couple. And you laugh at all rocketshippers who franticly
denies James to be gay.
OOCness in fandom: Isn’t supposed to happen, because queershipping is
defined as in character rocketshipping.
Other 'shippers:
R*cketshipper | Rocketshipper | WrongRocketshipper | Queershipper | Semishipper
| Friendshipper | Nonshipper
| Antishipper